Featured Documentary Films
Higher Perspective
Length: 22 min
Year : 2021
Have you ever looked at a photo of mountain climbers and wondered who was behind the camera? Adventure beyond the lens with climbing photographer and filmmaker Dave Mai as he takes his visions to new heights.
Length: 11 min
Year : 2018
Ephemera is a short film about ice climbing in the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia, Canada. Ice climbs have a dichotomous strength and delicacy, and the people that attempt to ascend them are resilient and determined. Though the ice climbing is unreliable, scarce, and fleeting due to the mild winters in the Okanagan, it does exist… it all depends on how badly you want to find it.
Signal to Noise
Length: 10:51 min
Year : 2018
C.H.I.M.E. (Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment) is a revolutionary new Canadian radio telescope designed to answer major questions in astrophysics & cosmology. Find out what they seek to discover far beyond our Milky Way galaxy.
Episode 1 - Rock Climbing
Length: 16 min
Year : 2018
Stokanagan is an adventure series based in the Okanagan Valley of BC Canada. The sport of climbing has exploded. With thousands of climbing routes, perfect weather, and plenty of scenic lakes and landscapes, it's easy to see why the Okanagan is attracting climbers worldwide. With more and more climbers coming to the area, how will it affect the environment? How do we minimize our footprint?
Featured Videos for Business
Revolution Ranch
Revolution Ranch is one of the largest certified organic farms in Canada. It is a shining example of environmental sustainability.
Row 14
Cultivating a better relationship between organic produce and creative cuisine through the collaboration of Chef and Farmer.
Ridgeline Guiding
Rock Climbing, Ice Climbing, And Other Mountain Adventures In The Canadian Rockies!
Nuoc Cham
Nuoc Cham is a secret family recipe taken from the homes of Vietnam. Sweet, salty, sour and packed with umami.