Pitched a film idea to Arc’teryx and VIMFF (Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival) for “the Adventure Film Makers Grant” called Ephemera a few months ago and just got the call it was selected as the recipient! So psyched!
plural noun: ephemera; noun: ephemerum
things that exist or are used or enjoyed for only a short time.
I think its the perfect concept to encapsulate ice climbing, especially in the Okanagan. If you’re not familiar with the southern interior of British Columbia, its known for sunshine, beaches, orchards, and vineyards… not ice climbing. The weather windows are virtually nonexistent and there is very little ice discovered. Needless to say, cutting my teeth as an ice climber in the Okanagan has been trying. It takes a certain kind of patience, willingness, and a sense of adventure to be able to find climbable ice. Luckily, we had a cold winter last year and there was some fantastic climbing to be had!

Creating this film has been an important learning experience. I faced physical challenges, like hiking seventy pounds of camera and rigging equipment in thigh deep snow for hours, and technical issues like frozen equipment… and I had to step up my ice climbing game!!! Always improving and learning.
I’m very grateful for Arc’teryx and VIMFF. Its an honour to be selected by these fine Canadian establishments!