Okanagan Ice 2018
Just when I was about to give up hope, It happened. Mother nature delivered what I desired. The perfect balance of temperatures, precipitation, and availability of my climbing partners. Ice Climbing is game on in the Okanagan Valley (BC, Canada)!
I've been trying to hone my skills as an ice climber this year. Adding to my list of skills that will allow me to access unique locations with my camera. It’s been slow going because the weather in the Okanagan is not conducive to ice climbing.
I wanted to experiment with colour gels and ice climbing... trying to imitate some cool photos I saw on the interwebz. It was an interesting shoot, and I ended up doing my first ice climb lead that night too! Photos turned out okay… learnt a few things about lighting and photographing the ice at night… Use a tripod, punch focus, and get a camera with a larger sensor than a M4/3.
The second shoot we did was an ice column Stan Sabourin had been keeping an eye on for the last few years. It finally formed! Stan had first dibs on it, but backed off and we sent up the rope gun… Kai Saunders. No shame in that Stan, gotta go with our gut feelings. Fun couple days of Okanagan ice!